Welcome to Prometheus.

We are a newly-founded endeavour to increase both the knowledge and number of intermediate/senior-level cryptocurrency software developers.

We have observed over the years that there is a lack of a central library of opinionated material with minimal code snippets for topics that form the core of an education beyond those presented by introductory courses to languages such as Solidity.

We have observed that a significant amount of talent - that learns best by doing - cuts their developer careers short after being unable to identify tasks suitable for their skill level, often being intimidated by the size and complexity of large/popular protocols.

We have observed that those that have the desire to improve their skillset often lack the time or financial resources to dedicate themselves properly to becoming proficient with the material that sets someone conversant in development apart from someone who can move mountains of bytecode themselves.

We have observed all of this, and we intend to fix it.

Prometheus is a project of two parts:

More details to follow.

Spread the word.